
Building the XRCB mobile node with Makea

Since last October the XRCB is collaborating with Makea tu Vida, a collective who repurpose, recicle and reimagine objects through open design.

Along with Makea we shared the design workshops that took place during their Rehogar”>Rehogar exhibition, which turned 10 this year.

With Makea’s expert guidance we imagined the different shapes that could take the XRCB’s mobile node, a device for doing radio in the public space. The challenge of “nodo móvil” is that it has to be efficient when it comes to transportation, space, installation and dismantling, and of course, tech-wise.

Broadcasters, designers, architects, musicians, and software developers gathered around the table to think how this ideal transmission device should be, and we hope that very soon we can take it to the streets to celebrate radiotons, transmissions and gatherings around the microphone.

Listen to the podcast: