
Tech of our own: how to grow a business with a purpose

We all know the sins of the tech companies these days: hungry for ad revenue, they exploit our data, lure us into dark UX patterns, rush algorithmic solutions that seem to do more harm than good. And...

We all know the sins of the tech companies these days: hungry for ad revenue, they exploit our data, lure us into dark UX patterns, rush algorithmic solutions that seem to do more harm than good. And yes, they are trying to fix things but honestly, how much incentive is there to act for public good if you have shareholders breathing down your neck? The ownership structure of tech companies is paramount to product decisions that determine the future of our society. As long as the predominant model of funding tech is driven by Venture Capital, these decisions will be favoring the maximization of profit over any ideals the company’s founders might have had at the start. With activists, researchers and journalists uncovering the root causes of the current tech crisis, it is clear that we need concrete new solutions. The goal of this session is to discuss the emerging alternatives to do business in tech focusing on “ethical” funding and democratic ownership and governance structures that are designed to marry purpose and profit in a sustainable way.

Kasia Odrozek from Mozilla Foundation

Watch full video here

  • 12/05/2020 / business, Decidim, decidimfest, Kasia Odrozek, Mozilla Foundation, technology, Tecnologías para la democracia

  • Programa: Decidim Fest 2019 SUBSCRIBE TO PROGRAM

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