
Public Code & Technologies: Upcoming Digital and Democratic Challenges for Europe

Technological developments are advancing increasingly faster, and there is a growing public power inability to generate the necessary regulatory frameworks and lead a model of public tech development...

Technological developments are advancing increasingly faster, and there is a growing public power inability to generate the necessary regulatory frameworks and lead a model of public tech development for democracy. Can we imagine new models based on free open-source software and communities, that put democratic issues and the rights of citizens at its core? This roundtable will address these issues from different European experiences that are making bold bets on public code.

With Laura Dorheim, Chief Digital Officer, City of Munich, Paula Grzegorzewska, Strategic Partnership Director, Open Forum Europe and Arnau Monterde, Democratic Innovation Director, Barcelona City Hall

Moderator: Laura Giesen, chief editor, Democracy Technologies

  • 24/11/2023 / Decidim

  • Programa: Smart City Expo World Congress 24 SUBSCRIBE TO PROGRAM

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