
Citizen Assamblies

This panel was celebrated at #DecidimFest20 and counted with the following presentations: 1. “The digital participatory process that fed into the French Climate Assembly”, Eloïse Gabadou (Open So...

This panel was celebrated at #DecidimFest20 and counted with the following presentations:

1. “The digital participatory process that fed into the French Climate Assembly”, Eloïse Gabadou (Open Source Politics)
2. “Deliberation: Surfing the digital wave”, Mauricio Mejia (OECD)
3. “Citizens Assemblies everywhere”: raising the question of scale in deliberative democracy”, Kelly McBride & Mel Stevens (Democratic Society)

Moderated by Arantxa Mendiharat, co-fundadora of democraciaporsorteo.org and deliberativa.org

  • 29/11/2020 / #ArantxaMendiharat, Citizen Assamblies, Decidim Fest 20

  • Programa: Decidim Fest 20 SUBSCRIBE TO PROGRAM

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