
Fuerzas Especiales, el podcast del Grec

“Fuerzas Especiales” is the first podcast by Festival Grec. Directed by the culture journalist Marta Garcia Miranda, the project creates a conversation space not only about theatre and scene, but also about the world we live in and the affairs that occupy and preoccupy us. The proposal invokes the special forces that build imaginaries and alternatives from thought and fiction. Each episode features a conversation between either wo creators from the theatrical field, or between a theater creator and a thinker, a philosopher, a cultural manager, or a writer.

Fuerzas Especiales proposes a dialog about affairs such as the idea of Europe, the shared principles and values, and about the foundations of societies, our societies,  that perhaps are not having the best moment: freedom, love, the future, the commonality and the borders. And, contaminating these big axes: desire, capitalism, social media, the call to action, the lost paradise and the paradise to conquer, our chronic fatigue, solidarity, community, play, and the urge to be together.

These are the shows and its protagonists:

El amor. Con Pablo Remón and Marta Pazos
Un mundo común. Con Slobodan Minic and Marina Garcés
La juventud. Con Elvira Dyangani Ose and Àlex Rigola
La desobediencia y los paraísos perdidos. Con Andrés Lima and César Rendueles
Demasiada ficción. Con Tanya Beyeler and Eudald Espluga
Europa no es una estantería de Ikea. Con Brenda Navarro and Àlex Serrano