
Sustainability and scalability in free software projects

First, Jaya Allamsetty (Jitsi) tells us about scaling up the video conferencing platform during the pandemic and Alba Roza (Foundation for Public Code) explains what Code Stewarship is and how they co...

First, Jaya Allamsetty (Jitsi) tells us about scaling up the video conferencing platform during the pandemic and Alba Roza (Foundation for Public Code) explains what Code Stewarship is and how they contribute to different projects to make them sustainable, while remaining open and collaborative. Then, Carol Romero (moderator) interacts with the speakers to explore strategies for Decidim to address these challenges.

  • 30/11/2020 / foundation for public code, Jitsi, Sustainability

  • Programa: Decidim Fest 20 SUBSCRIBE TO PROGRAM

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