
Ràdio Trinijove

Radio Trinijove is a community and social radio located in Trinitat Vella that belongs to the Private Foundation Trinijove, which works for labor and social inclusion of vulnerable groups. The same spririt of the entity is transferred to the radio station, which is commited to inclusion, diversity, and new creation, in addition to deal with other topics such as culture, entertainment, information and sports. We are a social loudspeaker that gives voice to a good number of entities, neighborhood equipments and people with interesting projects, as well as to different projects of Trinijove that have already been assigned a radiophonic space in our station to spread the great work that they do.

programes (total 17)


podcasts (total 37)

28/11/19 Ràdio Trinijove_Frecuencia I-vaginaria 28-11-2019 1:28:29
20/11/19 Ràdio Trinijove_Adelante 20-11-2019 58:33
29/11/19 Ràdio Trinijove_De Tú a Tú 29-11-2019 2:00:00