
Ràdio Des dels blocs

Des dels blocs (From the blocks) is a research and collective creation process that started out in 2018 at La Florida blocks (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat) to open meeting spaces for artistic experimentation meaningful for the people that live in the neighborhood with the aim to reflect in a critical way upon the realities that we embody and to build new frameworks of actions to make decisions about them. Des dels blocs gets activated from different spaces, being one of them is sound experimentation through radio.
The radiophonic device is an everyday element on Mondays at Des dels blocs. The show catalyzes and articulates conversations about events relevant for the neighborhood, and opens deep debates about building territories, its imaginaries and the representation of the people that dwell in it. Moreover, during the year they also organize a series of events with different guests to talk about specific questions that cross the project and the neighborhood.

podcasts (total 5)

19/07/17 Comunitats i sanació 42:04
04/07/17 L’escola 31:30
20/07/17 ¿Quién cuida de los bloques? 1:03:03