
Ràdio Paquita

Its name has its origin in the genealogy of the former internet women's radio project of La Bonne, Radio Paca. It was born in 2003 from the hand and experience of a group of women from Contrabanda FM, who, together with others from the technological, feminist or audiovisual fields such as DonesTech, made it the first women's internet radio in our country.
After a few years of silence, we have decided to be on the air again and to be a speaker for all those who feel called. Radio Paquita is therefore a women's and feminist internet radio project, with audio files (podcasts), in which women and feminist collectives are the active and co-creative protagonists.
We are committed to a model of free, horizontal, community-based and participatory radio, in which we invite the women who are part of the La Bonne community, the cultural entities who pass through the Bonnemaison building or who live in the Sant Pere, Santa Caterina and La Ribera neighbourhoods, as well as all those who wish to occupy the air with their voices and content.

podcasts (total 7)

23/03/23 Experiències de maternitats bi-bollo 49:43
23/03/23 Sara Torres al festival VisibLES 1:10:30
10/02/20 5. Les amigues de la Paquita – Esther Ferrer 35:06