
Ràdio Hostafrancs

Ràdio Hostafrancs is a non-profit medium managed by the Associació de la Ràdio Comunitària d'Hostafrancs (ARCH), an organization created in 2017. The goals of the radio station are:
1) Provide information, local communication and cultural services that are aimed specifically to the Hostafrancs neighborhood community in Barcelona.
2) Actively collaborate with organizations that develop social, cultural, educative, leisure and sports activities, as well as promoting the neighborhood businesses in Hostafrancs.
3) Give voice and preferential attention to neighborhhood associations and social, cultural, educative, leisure and sports activities, and those that are aimed to local business promotion in the Hostafrancs neighborhood and the surrounding area, both for the ones that are organized by neighborhood associations, and the ones that boost the Sants-Montjuïc district, the City Council's central services or other public institutions.
4) Reflect the cultural, social and political diversity of the Hostafrancs neighborhood and the city of Barcelona.

podcasts (total 4)

24/12/20 Missatge Real, homenatge a Pepe Rubianes 5:40
28/12/16 Radioteatre: ‘Un enemic del poble’, d’Henrik Ibsen 2:19:24
21/01/18 Radioteatre: ‘Mòbil’, de Sergi Belbel 1:50:48